Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi, born Andrea Almasi May 5, 1985 Hendersonville Tennessee is a American Model. The model was featured on NBC's television game show Deal or No Deal's Premiere Week as Briefcase Model No.19 in late in December 2005. AJ grew in Hendersonville Tennessee as an awkward "tom boy" wearing braces and spectacles. She was skeptical that she could be capable of the things she did, yet she loves doing it. The people she has surrounded herself with have said she's "bubbly" and has the potential to accomplish anything if she believes. Almasi became stunning, gorgeous model after she relocated into Los Angeles for a modeling and acting career. Aj Almasi's real name has the name Andrea Almasi. She was hired as one the 26 Briefcase Models for the new NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal in December 2005. Deal or No Deal (2006), Bikini Dreams (2003) as well as The Late Late Show (with Craig Ferguson) are among her many credits as an actress. The actress was a part of Briefcase AJ who is focused on pursuing her acting and modeling career in L.A.

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